Friday, January 8, 2010

Chunk #3 Precis: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

In the 3rd chunk of Malcolm Gladwell's non-fiction text, "Outliers," he continues to explain the effect one's background and culture has on their level of success in life. For instance, those with parents that actually made their children do their school work and study tended to be more successful than those who parents were less involved. Asians are hard working people that consistently study and are actually willing to do their homework. Asians fully grasp the meaning of math because they actually try hard to understand the concept and they take more math classes. Asians also tend to be better at math than others because of their number system, their number system makes it easier for their students to count and calculate; for example instead of saying eleven and twelve they say ten-one and ten-two and instead of saying twenty-four they say two-tens-four. Many Asians are the outliers in our society because of their intensive study habits. Before explaining the lifestyles of the Asian, Gladwell states this quote, "No one who can rise before dawn three hundred sixty days a year fails to make his family rich." Basically this quote means the sacrifices that one makes when they are young will definitely pay off in the end.
Those who are outliers work hard to get where they are, yes some people are blessed with a quick mind which enables them to understand somethings faster, but they also study and practice their talent so that they can be the best. Some people have the intelligence to be an outlier in our society but their background can have an affect as to how far they will go in life. For instance the wealthy intelligent children have a better chance at being a big success than that poverty stricken Jew because sometimes it's not WHAT you know it's WHO you know.

Clarification Question: Why is at that Asians are so good in math?

Application Question: Now that you know hard work pays off would you actually try harder in school to make life easier for your future family?


  1. Asians are good at math because of their number system, so it is easy to them.

    Well Tiffany, I do try hard in school and I intentions are to keep on trying hard.

  2. my intentions are to keep on trying hard
